An essential part of almost all planning involves the calendar year. This printable set can be used in lesson planning, life planning, work planning, and project planning! It includes 6 printable pages, including the 2022 calendar year-on-a-page, and 2023 calendar year-on-a-page.
LAYOUT: Calendar Planning printables
SIZE: Letter size
Print as many of the pages as you need! Keep them on a clipboard or punch for your notebook or discbound system.
This printable set also works on an ipad/tablet system with apps like Goodnotes. (Import as a document after purchasing) With a digital system you can completely customize this printable set, and print from Goodnotes!
Included in this printable set:
- 2023 calendar year-on-a-page
- can be printed on paper or cardstock weight vellum for a stylish presentation.
- Sunday start
- 2024 calendar year-on-a-page
- can be printed on paper or cardstock weight vellum for a stylish presentation
- Sunday start
- 2023 | 2024 academic calendar year-on-a-page
- can be printed on paper or cardstock weight vellum for a stylish presentation
- Sunday start
- Undated, fillable year on a page with 12 monthly boxes
- Start dating at any point in the year - great for academic year planning for lesson plan/school day tracking
- Sunday start
- Blank, fillable, black & white month-on-a-page for planning
- Sunday start
- Lined monthly month-on-a-page for planning
- Sunday start
- Week-on-one-page, horizontal
- Sunday start
- Lined
Please note:
- Because this is a digital product, there will be no refunds on this product.
- This is not a physical product. After purchase, you will be sent a link to download this printable.
- This file size is 8.5" x 11"
- The layout is not editable.
- The text spaces are editable. You can add your own text to the text spaces in this pdf file using:
- iPAD: using an ipad pro and an Apple pencil and a pdf editing app such as Goodnotes or Notability, open the pdf in the app (Import as a document) and edit all text, add text to empty spaces, arrange pages, and print your edited pages from Goodnotes.
- Standard License - Only 1 Printable is allowed per household. Each household may print as much as is needed for that household. Thank you for respecting the copyright on this product and not sharing the file with friends.
- This product is for Personal Use only. It may not be resold or redistributed.