For over 20 years I've been creating printables to use in my home and in homeschooling. This shop is a dream come true for me, and a place to share my passion and creations with you. It is my hope that you find printables that are functional, that meet you in your full days, and also bring a little order and beauty to the practical sides of your day.
My printables are created minimally with you in mind and I hope they serve you as you consider your days!
You can also find me writing at my blog, where I share all of my free printables.

2023|2024 Calendar Printable Set
A seven page printable set to help you organize your year with updated mini calendars for 2023, 2024, and academic 2023|2024.

*NEW Clipboard System Graph Pages
Graph pages and visual organization go hand in hand! Use these on your clipboard, notebook, or planner to organize lists, tasks, goals, etc.

The Ultimate Lesson Planner Kit
A 23 page printable kit that shares all of my 20+ years of home education to help bring order, simplicity, and beauty to your planning!
Check out all the new printable kits created to help you organize time and tasks!