Are you looking for a planner that will help you consider your days, plan curriculum and booklists, and then schedule the day? Are you looking for a versatile planner?
Using my 22 years of teaching and homeschooling experience, I created a 23 page planner system that will come alongside and help you consider and build smooth days for your homeschool journey!
Print and assemble the pages in the order that works best for you! Punch for discbound, 3 hole punch binder, or leave unpunched and use on a clipboard! This planner also works on an ipad/tablet system with apps like Goodnotes. (Import the file as a document, and begin editing!) With a digital system you can completely customize this planner set - and print!
Included in this printable planner set:
- A cover and intro page for your planner
- Attendance record pages for:
- Those who follow a semester schedule
- Those who follow a term schedule
- My 4 step homeschool 101 kit
- Define your "why"
- Learn and identify your state's homeschool laws and regulations
- Determine "how" you need to plan for education by identifying strengths, challenges, and your own needs
- Put it all together by considering the different homeschool methods to find your family's unique path!
- Booklist pages for:
- Those who follow a semester schedule
- Those who follow a term schedule
- Supplies and Curriculum Wishlist page
- Big Picture Assignment tracker for
- Those who follow a semester schedule
- Those who follow a term schedule
- Daily Time Blocking instruction and worksheet to help you block your days
- Monthly Insert with notes section (undated)
- Monthly Themes Insert
- Lesson Plans and Daily Rhythm 2 page spread
- Formatted for you to plan horizontally or vertically
- Includes a space for you to note your week
- Includes a space for weekly memory work
- 8 vertical columns
- 6 horizontal (multi-lined) rows
- A weekly schedule page to include on a clipboard, or in your child's notebook (or laminate to use with a wet erase marker)
- An Early Years planning checklist with suggestions for a gentle curriculum for children under the age of 6
- A High School Plan with instructions to help parents of children approaching high school set up a four year plan for high school.
- A Weekly Preparation sheet to help you set your week up for success
- A Weekly Meeting sheet to help you assess your child's week in order to encourage strengths and assist children with challenges.
- My 2 page kit to help you build your own Morning Basket of work anchored to the True, Good, and Beautiful.
Please note:
- Because this is a digital product, there will be no refunds on this product.
- This is not a physical product. After purchase, you will be sent a link to download this printable.
- This file size is 8.5" x 11"
- The layout is not editable.
- The text spaces are editable. You can add your own text to the text spaces in this pdf file using:
- iPAD: using an ipad pro and an Apple pencil and a pdf editing app such as Goodnotes or Notability, open the pdf by importing as a document into the app and edit all text (you can color over text with white and add different text in text boxes), add text to empty spaces, arrange pages, and print your edited pages from Goodnotes.
- WINDOWS & MAC: Adobe Acrobat (available to download here)
- MAC: edit pdfs using PREVIEW and MARKUP (pre-installed on your mac) or use Adobe Acrobat (available to download here)
- Standard License - Only 1 Printable is allowed per household. Each household may print as much as is needed for the children in that household. Thank you for respecting the copyright on this product and not sharing the file with friends.
- This product is for Personal Use only. It may not be resold or redistributed.